2023-2024 Action Plan for Learning
2022-2023 Action Plan for Learning
2021-2022 Action Plan for Learning
2020-2021 Action Plan for Learning
2019-2020 Action Plan for Learning
The Spiral of Inquiry was developed by Dr. Judy Halbert and Dr. Linda Kaser. The Spiral of Inquiry supports schools/networks in taking an inquiry-oriented, evidence-based approach to learning and teaching – one that focuses on making the education system more equitable through the provision of high quality learning opportunities for all young people. The Spiral of Inquiry has six key stages: scanning, focusing, developing a hunch, new professional learning, taking action and checking that a big enough difference has been made. At each stage in the spiral, three questions are asked: What is going on for our learners? How do we know? and Why does this matter? The Spiral of Inquiry is about listening to learners and reflecting on our own practices as educators. The spiral image captures the nature of inquiry – a continuous process and not a fixed cycle. The six key stages in the framework help school teams take a disciplined approach to professional inquiry, but inevitably, the true process will be messy and you will move between the stages as needed. The spiral is never complete – new learning always brings about new questions, ways of knowing and new opportunities for our learners.