Grades 10-12
Please let your Virtual Home Room teacher know if you need support or guidance in navigating the course options below. Students are expected to access coursework in the subject areas they were taking prior to spring break. They can contact the teacher who has posted the coursework for help with the course material and to submit completed assignments.
Mr. Jezovit Teacher Webpage.
English New Media: How has Media Changed us as Individuals and as a Society? Mr. Jezovit
This coursework is intended for those looking to carry on with Mr. Jezovit's New Media course. He also welcomes any students not on the course roster who wish to engage in this series of units on digital technology and how it impacts individuals and society. New modules will be added in the coming weeks. All of his units can be accessed on Mr. Jezovit's The information is also available through his Class Portal. Alternatively, all of the slideshows and questions are available below:
English New Media Pitch Page.pdf New Media Outline.pdf
Module 1What is media - Module 1 slideshow.pdf Module 1 Questions.pdf Rubric - Module 1.pdf
Module 2 Media vs Content - Module 2.pdf Module 2 Questions.pdf Rubric - Module 2.pdf
Module 3Media as extension - Module 3.pdf Module 3 Questions.pdf Rubric - Module 3.docx.pdf
Module 4 The Global Village.pdf Module 4 Questions.pdfRubric - Module 4.pdf
Mr. Spencer
Has There Ever Been a Better Time to Start Journal Writing? Mr. Spencer
This unit is aimed at Grades 10-12 English students. It explores different ways to approach journal writing and why it is such a powerful tool to think about your thinking, reflect and grow. All of the instructions are available in this document:Journal Writing Unit.pdf
English 10 Novel Study: The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian, By Sherman Alexie Mr. Spencer
Follow this novel study guide as you read the novel. Send Mr. Spencer an email to arrange pickup / drop-off of the novel. The Absolutely True Diary of a Part Final.pdf
Share Some Love Foods: A Zane Spencer Cookbook.
Are you missing all those fantastic recipes from Food's class? What better time to experiment in the kitchen preparing food for your family. check out this cookbook curated by Mr. Spencer himself. Don't forget to take photos of what you've made and send them to your teacher. Share Some Love Foods Unit All Grades Spencer.pd
Mr. Hangle Mr Hangle's Portal Page.
Please see class portal page for resources and assignments.
Ms. Jones Ms. Jones Portal Page
Please see class portal page for resources and assignments.
Ms.Bond Teacher Webpage
Exploring the World's Religions. Ms. Bond
This is a 6 part unit that explores the origins of religion in ancient civilization. If you are currently enrolled in Socials 11, you can access this content on Ms. Bonds Portal If you are not able to access through that link, below are the PDFs to access the unit: 11 Socials 1. Introduction to World Religions.pdf 11 Socials 2.Mesopotamia notes.pdf 11 Socials 3.World Religions 2.pdf 11 Socials 4. Vocabulary PicturesAndBlanks.pdf 11 Socials 5. Polytheism.pdf 11 Socials 6.Polytheismchart.pdf
Mr. Remple
What Stories Need to be Told? Looking at WW1 as Inspiration for the Next Hollywood Hit.
This is a humanities project that focuses on developing research skills, journal writing techniques, story telling and project design. Anyone is welcome to engage in this unit and can contact me for more details, questions or help. This is your unit guide:WW1 movie pitch (1).pdf These are text sources you'll need as you work through it: Movie Pitch Text Sources.pdf
How does Ideology Construct Truth? An Guided Inquiry into the Cold War.
In this project you will begin by finding a historic topic from the Cold War that engages your interest. It will then guide you through a step by step process of research and analysis through the lens of competing ideologies. That research will support you in designing a project to demonstrate your learning. Anyone interested is welcome! Cold War Project.pdf The first step in this project is selecting a Cold War history topic. Check out this website to help you choose something that interests you: Cold War Topics.
Ms. Oh Class Portal.
Pre-Calculus 12: math12pc_outline2020 - Copy.pdf START HERE!
Ma12 8.1 Log Graphs notes.pdf Ma12 8.2 Understanding Logs notes.pdf Ma12 8.3 Log Laws notes (2).pdf Ma12 8.4 Log Equations Notes (2).pdf
PreCal 12 - Make a Math Wall! PC 12Math Wall Project.pdf
Grade 10 Math:
You can access activities continued Math 10 learning through Ms. Oh's Class Portal You can submit assignments by emailing screenshots of pages you are proud of and show off the new skills / steps you have learned. Please reach out to Ms. Oh anytime for questions or support!
Math 10 - Make a Math Wall! Gr.10 Math Wall.pdf
Mr. Cook Mr Cook's Website of Science
For more details and assignments on these courses, please see Mr Cook's Website of Science link above.
Science 10: Science 10 Learning Guide.pdf
Bio 12: Can you Map the Human Body? Bio 12 Human Anatomy Project.pdf
Chemistry 11: Chem 11 Learning Guide.pdf
Physics 11: Mr Cook's Website of Science
Physical Health and Wellness:
YMCA GYM CLASS! Check out these awesome online fitness and workout routines led by fitness instructors from the YMCA. There are workouts for all ages and abilities and is an awesome way to reduce stress when stuck at home.
Keep a journal of the workouts you complete, or snap a selfie and email it to your teacher to let them how it's going!
Click here to browse YMCA Gym Classes