Expectations for completion:
We understand the questions that many of you may be pondering: Where should we start? How many assignments must I complete? How do I ensure I get the best possible grades? What is expected of me?
We understand that for many families, a return to routine and structured learning will be preferred while others will want some freedom to connect outside passions and projects to their learning goals. We will be flexible in adapting to your needs.
Middle School learners, with the support of their cohort teachers, will be focusing on developing core literacy and numeracy competencies through projects and assignments completed at home.
Grade 10-12 learners will focus on completing coursework that aligns with the subject areas they were enrolled in prior to spring break.
There will be a large range in terms of what and how much coursework students will be able to complete and expectations on students need to reflect that. We advise students to:
1. Choose coursework that aligns with your subject areas and is meaningful, motivating and engaging.
2. Finish the units that you start in a timely manner.
3. Do as much coursework as you can.
3. Connect with teaching staff often.